Cabled beanie

Did you guys know you can make cables with crochet? I certainly didn’t, until I came across this post from All About Ami. I’d found a nice chunky yarn which turned out a little too big for the pattern, but I still really like the result:




It should be a bit more slouchy, but because of the thickness of the yarn, it stays up a bit. I hope that through wearing it, the beanie will stretch and slouch more than it does now. Nonetheless, I’m hoping it will soon be cold enough to wear ^_^

I have a little over one skein left over of the same yarn and now I’m indecisive on whether or not I should make some matching cabled wrist warmers… Or maybe I should return the leftover skein and use the money for a different project. What do you think?

Cheers, Lydia


Sometimes, nothing turns out the way you want it to. I wanted to give Boyfriend a scarf for Christmas, since he can’t seem to think of any presents. But I’ve run out of yarn and the lady I bought it from wasn’t at the market this week. To make matters worse it’s impossible to find online. Next time I’m able to go to the market is… 2014 -_- so yeah, no scarf for Boyfriend.

I’m also working on a Christmas gift for a friend. He didn’t ask for it, but when I saw the pattern, I just knew I had to make it for him. But now I’m stuck, because I ran out of the main colour, again. Now I have to wait for it to be delivered, but the last time I ordered, it took quite a while to get here. So fingers crossed that it will get to me in time. On the other hand, I probably won’t see this friend before New Years, so I’ve got a bit of time.

In order to vent my frustration a bit, I decided to make a scarf or cowl for myself. After starting several different patterns and frogging it all, I ended up with a nice cowl after all.


Now it just needs a nice big button to finish it up ^_^

The pattern for this cowl comes from All About Ami. It’s called the buttoned shell stitch cowl. I made it with the same yarn as the ribbed pom pom beanie I made a while ago, so it makes a set 🙂

Do you get frustrated easily? And how do you handle it?

Cheers, Lydia

Tiny dragons in love <3

The second project I was able to finish this week, two little dragons.

When I saw the pattern, I knew I just had to make more than one of these cuties. And what better to make than a couple in love?

So I made a blue boy dragon:

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And a pink girl dragon:

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And they fell in love the instant they laid eyes on each other ^_^

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It does take a lot of fidgeting with felt, thread and glue to make the wings, scaly body and horns, but in the end, I believe it’s really worth all the mess. They look totally adorable, don’t you think?

The pattern for the dragon can be found over at All About Ami.
For the heart, I did a little bit of googling and ended up at Voodoo Maggie’s blog.

With a new project already lined up, it’s time for me to get off the internet (actually, I’ll be at work when this is posted :-P) and get to crocheting! Or maybe I’ll start after the weekend.. Probably on sunday though ^_^”

Cheers, Lydia

Blog Directory

All About Ami put together this awesome list of pretty much every crochet blog she could find! I really need to take a day off to browse every site listed here, but I am sure it will be a lot of fun to get more in tune with the crocheteer community ^_^ I’m pretty sure I will have the time soon, since I hurt my wrist at work and crocheting isn’t going as smooth as it should T_T But first, I’ve got my boyfriend’s birthday to worry about!

Also, apparently it’s a lot more difficult to reblog a post from Tumblr onto WordPress than it should be, so I now also have a Tumblr account 😛 (made Tumblr account, reblogged the post on there and then was able to import into WordPress, YAY!)

Anyway, enjoy this huge list of crochet blogs out there and if you happen to work through it before me, let me know which ones I should definitely visit!

Cheers, Lydia


When I first started making amigurumi, I googled “amigurumi blogs” to see what other people were doing with this exquisite craft, to get tips, and to just connect with others who were interested in the same thing that I was interested in.  There weren’t that many back then, but I enjoyed whatever I came across!  Now that I’ve been blogging for a few years, I’ve been able to connect with and reach many people around the world!

And so, it is now my pleasure to present to you this directory of amigurumi and crochet blogs!  When I first asked people to send me their blogs, I honestly was expecting maybe 30-40 comments….little did I realize that there were sooo many bloggers out there, with over 180 people responding!  It’s been fun for me to pop by all your blogs and see what you all have been working on!

Take some time to look around, comment, and connect with fellow crocheters!  It’s amazing how the internet can bring us all together and make the world a whole lot smaller 🙂  In an effort to organize this very long list, I have divided up the blogs by geographical region and then alphabetically within each region.  Maybe you’ll discover some fellow crocheters who live near you!  Please let me know if anything needs to be changed or if I have left anyone out.  Feel free to add your own blog information (name, where you’re from and url) in the comments below in case you missed my first call for amigurumi and crochet blogs as I will continue to update this list!

***The winners of the blog directory guessing game are “AmiCrafter” (blog comments) and “Bisukiut” (Instagram) as both guessed 183, and there were 184 blogs in the directory at the time of the contest!  By random draw, AmiCrafter will receive the crochet hook, but we didn’t want to leave Bisukiut empty-handed, so she will receive a bunny felt kit 🙂  Congratulations and thanks for guessing!  Many of you were very close!***







Bring your amigurumi to work friday

This is a pretty fun concept thought up by DenDennis. Basically, what you do is: you bring your amigurumi to work on the first friday of the month.

Seeing how today was the hottest day in the history of the Netherlands, I thought it fitting to bring the newly finished penguin 🙂 she had loads of fun checking out our new fall/winter collection!


If the shoe fits…


Helping out at the register


Pretending to be shoelaces


Promoting the brushes


Free publicity for my employer 😉

Have a great weekend everyone! And remember to bring your amigurumi to work next month!

Cheers, Lydia

Ps: the penguin pattern is from All About Ami 🙂

Sneak peek ^_^

Because I don’t want to end this day on a negative note, I worked real hard to finish up on the penguin. So here’s a little sneak peek:


Tomorrow is “Bring Your Amigurumi To Work Friday” a great concept by DenDennis (man, I’ve been talking about him a lot, haven’t I?) So I think I will bring this little buddy with me and take some fun pictures 🙂 check back tomorrow to see more ^_~

Cheers, Lydia

I’m melting, melllltiiiinggg…

Summer has finally come to the Netherlands and man, when it hits, it hits hard! The past few days have been pretty hot (around and above 30 degrees Celsius, which is pretty darn high for Dutch standards)

When I’m at work it isn’t that bad, air conditioning and keeping busy helps a great deal. But now I have a few days off and it’s already killing me. It’s too hot to crochet even! My hands get all sweaty and sticky and the yarn starts to hurt my fingers…

So I did what any sensible “crocheteer” would do and took to the internet. Googled around quite a bit today and put three new projects on my to-do list -_-” two patterns by All-About-Ami: a penguin and a little dragon, and one from a French crochet-blogger called Semperly: it’s an awesome crochet goldfish.


Just look how gorgeous it is! The pattern looks to be a challenge as well ^_^’

So what I really need now is for the weather to cool down so I can get cracking on my projects again!

What do you do with your time when circumstances prevent you from practising you hobbies?

Cheers, Lydia

Minion Mayhem

A little while back I watched the movie ‘Despicable me’ for the twentieth time (it could also have been the third time, I’m not entirely sure…) and suddenly it struck me: I haven’t even made a minion yet!
Luckily, a pattern was quickly found and I set to work. The project did have to be put on the backburner for a while, due to holidays, work and other things that got in the way, but shortly after New Year, I was able to finish this little guy.


You can find the pattern here. And a step-by-step guide to putting him together here.
The pattern wasn’t the easiest I’ve ever followed, so I don’t recommend it when you’re just starting. But if you are a little more experienced, it’s a great project!

I noticed too late that I’d made a couple mistakes, mostly with the eyes and mouth, but I really don’t want to redo them. The beauty of the minions is that they are all slightly different, so it isn’t a really big problem if it doesn’t come out exactly like the pictures with the pattern, right?

Another thing I love about this pattern is that most parts are removable. You can take your minion apart!


Mine gets a real butt-face without his goggles though -_-”

What’s also pretty cool is the fact that the buttons on the overalls really work:

The patterns gives the straps real life button-holes, which I think is awesome and very clever!

I don’t think my minion got as big as the one from All About Ami. Mostly because I used a smaller hook (2,5mm) and I think I used thinner yarn (never quite sure about the weights and such when it comes to yarn…)

Here’s one last picture of him guarding my pot of lucky stars:


I had loads of fun making this little guy and I hope you guys will as well!

Cheers, Lydia